Comments : Another Angel

  • 14 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Very deep and emotional, but very optimistic of being with that friend again. I enjoyed this very much

  • Thanks. (:

  • 14 years ago

    by The Queen

    I agree with the first commentor, some things are inevitable, we might as well take a positive approach to them. :) Keep it up!

  • Thank you again for your comment. (:

  • 14 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is such a sad piece. The pain we feel when we lose someone we love and care about is a terrible pain.
    I like the way you have talked about the happy times shared with your friend.
    Great job!
    Take care

  • Thanks Cindy. (:

  • 12 years ago

    by Jawwad Zafar

    Wow! What a wonderful master piece...
    really a deserving 5/5

  • Thank you!! Appreciate it. (:

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    A sad yet peaceful poem, i think. it gives my heart some peace because sometimes you just want to cry and dwell on the past and just want them here... but really you should be happy for them and just cherish the memories you got to spend with them... they are in such a better place than we are and one day we will see them again. 5/5

  • Exactly ^^ thanks for reading. (:

  • 12 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    Really pretty :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Again, this is very moving and I related to it a lot, there are so many angels up there who became angels too soon, but then I believe there is a reason for such things and do my best to hold onto this idea and hope one day I will know the answers.

    Nice flow and nice tribute to a lost loved one. Well done.

  • 10 years ago

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    It's beautiful the rhyme scheme and the message convened in this piece I think I should print it and put if on my wall since I lost the one I loved a year ago so I haven't been able to smile in a long time that reaches my eyes but thanks for posting this lovely poem Alisha 5/5
