
by QuietDreamer   Dec 16, 2010

What happened between us,
We cannot forget.
The things we did,
Can't be undone

It's not written in stone
Nor in our blood,
But embedded in our minds,
The leap of faith we took.

My mind is wrapped
Around what occured.
It was sweet like chocolate,
Bitter like dark.

Taboos we broke
We cannot mend.
What we did was wrong,
A secret we now keep

This sin we shared
Can't be erased,
Though, we can repent
And start anew.

We both had promised
It wouldn't be awkward,
We'd still be friends
but now I see your lie.

I see you, everywhere,
So i sew my eyes shut,
But to no avail
For you, are in my head.

My thoughts have grown obsessive
My heart beats your name.
I long to hear your voice again,
To speak my name once more.

My breathing grows shallow
And goose bumps form.
Thinking of us,
Thinking of you.

My love -- unrequited,
But for the best.
You're too important
To lose altogether

Too many forlorn yesterdays
Put my anticipating tomorrows in doubt
Crying in tears of shameful regret,
I pray we can still be friends

With love comes sacrifice,
And my love i would sacrifice
For us to be friends,
To move on and forget.

We can't change what we've started
But we can, together, hand in hand,
Re-write our fate,
And change how it will end.


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by shayla

    I love this poem with a passion :]

    i love the part when you said:
    "My heart beats your name."

  • 14 years ago

    by veronica

    Wow :D ilovee thiss onee it's full of meaning&&ikan see yuu rlly putt feeling into itt(:

  • 14 years ago

    by Soft Parade

    Good write, insightlful.

    Like this line best:
    "My heart beats your name."

    Keep it up.

  • 14 years ago

    by JaM

    I really like this poem! It's awful, for the fact that you have something taken away from you, most losses are painful and you've beautifully expressed that through your words. One part I like most is;

    We both had promised
    It wouldn't be awkward,
    We'd still be friends.
    You lied.

    I enjoy the bluntness of the last line in this stanza. It was comical for a split second too, which really gave your poem - personality.

    Thanks for the great read!!