How I've lost...

by Cate Rock   Dec 20, 2010

I lost love...
One time before...
Ive lost alot...
But this love was so much more...

I lost my heart before...
It left my chest...
Into his lured by a lore.

I love this person...
Duh....everyone knows...
Within the RP and RL...
My longing always shows.

God I let him leave...
No ... I made him go...
Is that even worse?
Shit...I dont know...

My poems always about him...
My heart was his...
Now I push him away...
Crap...what gives?

Why must i push when I want to pull?
Whats all this crap trying to act cool?!

Yea it doesn't hurt you're gone...
Never did...
But it was a suffering...
a deep suffering...that I hid.

Depression? Denial? or just fate having its turn...
One day its my heart...and my Validus Ill re-earn...


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  • 14 years ago

    by YoYoLoverJSRF

    This is very beautiful.

  • 14 years ago

    by Soft Parade

    An interesting poem in that you capture the two sided nature of life, the balance between love for another and love for ones self, the confusion that is brought about by conflicting decisions on matters of the heart. I note that you have a big place reserved for this person and that will always be there. Writing helps to those locked up parts of your soul to be kept in check. Good writing.