Your my missing puzzle peice!

by Mallory Vn   Dec 20, 2010

I miss you is what i constantly hear myself say
Its been 3 weeks now since you have been away
One month before we met you planned this holiday
And now I'm counting down the months the minutes and the days

We've always loved each other and i know this to be true
Every morning when i wake my first thought is always you
Your my everything my sunshine, my hail and my rain
You make me feel so many things you take away my pain

I envy what your doing with your friend overseas
I cry and wish just for that one moment you could have asked me
But this is your time to grow mature and be a man
Just wish i could have been there to support you, to hold your hand

Tears roll down my face right now I'm struggling to see
My sobs are getting louder it's getting hard to breath
I cry because I'm sad but also because I'm happy you see
I cry because i miss you, but i know your coming back to me

3 weeks down 24 to go.....
I love you my baby, just thought you should know...

Dedicated to my man, Chris xx


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  • 14 years ago

    by YoYoLoverJSRF

    I love it.

  • 14 years ago

    by JaM

    This is an amazing write. It captures your emotions so clearly that when portrayed it's hard to keep from crying myself. There are many others who feel the same pain but with different circumstances, so know that you're not alone and you have something to look forward to. Great write!!!