Comments : Solstice

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Sigh...Britt knows that i sat 5 silent minutes after this. It broke my heart but was fascinated by the amazing connection between the title and real concept of the poem..


    yes what a coup...indeed..
    the poem was pretty well expressed. Amazing word choice; new metaphors; fantasitc imagery. And vocabs + wording of a high quality.

    I was impressed by you ability to drag the feelings and emotions of all the involved chatacters; whether close or strangers.

    some of your expressions stood me up you know; and I will pick them up and show you..

    The openings stanzas had this nice simplicity and did not enfold the same efforts as the other stanzas. But was just as amazing-still.

    The news is delivered
    to a library of faces shut like books.

    ^^^I found this very very unique. You are amazing! such a verrrryy interesting HEAD you have over these shoulders..

    The mother will push
    and wail, and
    it will not cry, it will not wriggle,
    it will not breathe.

    ^^BROKE ME TO true..damn I had goosebumps over here..

    There's formula that will spoil, and
    Christmas gifts of
    the tiniest unworn shoes.

    ^^^this detail was very important and I think it was very wise to use it over here.. how sweet..sad..and just brought tears to my eyes as I read it again; since I already knew what happens..

    her belly held a pocket of quiet.

    ^^^THIS WAS
    strikkingg ..Very strong and very very very well said and I just I have no idea how that came to your mind..all i can say be proud. of your talent.

    We stand up. All of us
    but one
    will move on.

    ^^I admit your ending lines..gave me chill..stillness..a slap..I don't know. just took me into another world. And you left me speechless for minutes.

    Sorry for the loss.

    no doubt

  • 14 years ago

    by abracadabra

    You have captured the nightmare that lurks beneath every trembling dream come true.

  • 14 years ago

    by Ingrid


    I have read this several times now and find it hard to comment on something this personal.

    Life can be an absolute hell at times and to know it goes on as if nothing has happened for the rest of the people around you is even harder. This is so sad, and in my country it is a problem that keeps getting bigger, although we are one of the richest in the world..lots of babies die around birth..and it really is one of the cruelest things a person had to endure, that ,and outliving them lateron in life.

    Well done on expressing one of the most painful emotions known to men.

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 14 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    I read this about 5 times and can not get over it it is just so beautifuly done and so sincere...its just... I'm speechless and It did make me cry! Oh god.. Just keep it up.. With the power invested in me,I now pronounced my self a fan of yours.

  • 14 years ago

    by silvershoes

    Oh, this is so terribly sad, Sib. Not what I had in mind based on the title - was thinking something wintry and seasonal. I guess this is wintry and seasonal in an abstract way. I can't imagine the heartbreak of losing a baby. Losing a kid at all is a horrible thing that should never happen, but losing a baby before you've even had a chance to hold him or her... god, it makes me feel sick.
    This is beautifully penned, as all your pieces are. I wish there weren't such tragic things to write about.

  • 14 years ago

    by silvershoes

    I want to add: The part about the husband having never held a baby before got to me big time. You made your poem a thousand times more personal by adding in that little touch. It emphasized how light-hearted and merry they were about their little creation coming into the world, and how all that happiness was obliterated in a moment. Obliterated and may never fully be regained.
    I can't imagine.

  • 12 years ago

    by Nikala

    This is just so amazing. It hit a nerve in me. Brought up old memories that I try to keep in the past. Beautifully done.