Choice: the power to decide on an action with free will.
Individual reliance.
You do not know me or my history;
I could be a specter from your hauntings
or just a nameless voice. I have met you once,
at the beginning of the tick of time. Listen,
close your lowly eyes. Imagine there is no earth,
no middle ground between right and wrong. All morals
have been hazed over and only dead space hangs.
You stand on a breaking cliff, dusty powder
disfiguring your clothes. Weaponless, you
mindlessly observe the manmade trials.
My hand touches your ribcage, Strike!
Straddling your diaphragm, I hold against you.
Yet you do not asphyxiate, for you feel the pulse
of another. An eyelid peeks open with effort,
but you are blinded mercilessly. Scorched gas
boils your thumb as you search frantically for the source.
You rub your hands together, analyzing.
Thick fluid breeds down every vein.
Press your hand to your heart. Closer!
Find the meaning that I fail to mention.
You are not wounded, soon though, you shall,
before fate is voted upon.