Comments : Little Warrior

  • 14 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    What a great surprise. Its hard to say that you had a writers block for so long.
    This is surely a very beautiful poem.

    I look at my son and try to make every moment magical coz i know someday i would be wondering the same while looking at him. Time moves so fast but the memories remains.

    Great write friend, glad to have to back.

    all the best and take care

  • 14 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    What a great comeback to writing after such a long hiatus. I really enjoyed this little gem of a poem, and loved it more when you read it to me over the phone. I love the way you read poetry and it makes it that much more meaningful. I know your young man has grown and become a man and that little warrior is now a full grown one fighting lifes battles. Absolutely beautiful and sentimental write. Great Job!

    Love ya,

  • 14 years ago

    by anand singh

    Cindy, welcome back my friend.It's been a long wait for another from you and must say, this is an awesome and beautiful piece.
    As parents, our kids will never grow old in our eyes.Sometimes I talk with my son and reminisce of the days when he was a kid and the fun stuff we used to do.
    A beautiful and enjoyable read my friend.

  • 14 years ago

    by Lu

    Glad to see you found your perfect title Cindy. And perfect it is !

    There always seems to be an ache in our heart when we wonder where the time has gone and why so fast.
    When our little guys are (growing up) or all grown up and we tend to miss those good old days when they needed ... Mommy

    It is always nice to visit our memories and walk through the days of mud puddles, dinky cars and baseball games.

    Beautiful poem Cindy ... and thank you for taking me back to my own sweet memories of Jess & Josh.
    One all grown up and one half way ... lol

    Wonderful words from the heart

  • 14 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    This makes me matter how old our kids are, they will always be our baby! Reading this put a smile on my face..heart warming..

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Oh gosh you have moved me..I am touched to the extremes. How I wish all mothers and fathers have the ability to hold love for their children the way you do for your son.

    A poem that reflects facts ,
    All parents feel that no matter how much their children grow, they feel that they are always their little babies..But at the same time they stand their feeling proud of the achievements that their children have achieved, especially that they are the ones who raised them up.

    And through your lines I felt how proud you are, how much you love him, how he is the whole world of yours..and I really appreciate these words as a person, and as a daughter, and as a mother someday in the far future.

    You not only shared your feelings over here, you gave a motherly lesson, to teach mothers and fathers how to loook at their children.

    Thanks for sharing..thanks a bunch.
    5/5 definitely

  • 14 years ago

    by debbylyn

    Very heartfelt and emotional..the last two lines pack a serious punch! I'm sure every mother and father can relate....

  • 14 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Glad you posted this. Tells us a story of your son's growth from baby to man. The love you have for him is evident in this. Good job on your return from writers block. (smiles). The only thing I see is this line needs a comma or the word it removed.

    Time it moves to quickly

  • 14 years ago

    by Jad

    I would have to say that this poem is very heart filled and it makes me wonder what my grandma will think when I grow up. It really brought up old memories of me playing with sticks in the backyard and it was quite enjoyable to say the least. I think it is good to release emotions we fill and you have done that writing away your memories of your son down in such a beautiful poem that really shows the care you have for him. The message of this poem was clear as day light and I believe it was wonderfully depicted. The flow was right on and kept going from line to line as the structure never got off.

    "So many years have come and gone
    Now a man stands in your place
    Sometimes if I look really hard
    I still see my baby's face"

    This was my favorite line and also a wonderful ending. I found it to be a great show of a mothers love for her son. All in all, I am thoroughly impressed with every piece of this poem. Great job and keep writing.

  • 14 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    I'm glad you were able to write something, such a beautiful poem for your son. Sounds like a goofy kid back in the day to me hahaha, I know you miss those times. Truly a very nice write though, I'm sure he'll appreciate this very much, he's lucky to have such a wonderful mom like you.

  • 14 years ago

    by The Princess

    ''So many years have come and gone
    Now a man stands in your place
    Sometimes if I look really hard
    I still see my baby's face''

    Cindy, this is beautiful. heart wrenching but beautiful nonetheless. I guess this is one of the hardest time upon all parents, having children grow up, move out and change, turn into men and women with their own problems and lives. the jest, playfulness and innocence change and more seriousness rest in it's place. but still in us most lies still this child.

    a beautiful write from you, Cindy.

  • 14 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This is a really sweet poem. Very glad I stopped to read it. Nik

  • 14 years ago

    by Siglawoo

    It made me miss my childhood so much.. it played with my emotions !!! i loved it....

  • 14 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    Wonderful Cindy... A most touching and heartfelt piece from your pen that I'm sure will touch many a heart as it has mine, Lolz.

    Beautifully written and expressed.. I loved it :))

    (My 2 boys are still small but one day I too will see them standing tall =].. ) Thanku for penning such a beautiful poem with us...
    Lots of love, Olwin.

  • 14 years ago

    by Sourav

    You made me emotional. Such a wonderful and heartfelt write. Can't stop reading it over and over again!

  • 14 years ago

    by Stephy

    Like the poem...

    yeah, time does go by fast sometimes.

    And it doesn't matter how old he gets, he'll always be your baby boy.

  • 14 years ago


    Time flies when ur having fun. My favorite line, "I can still see his baby face." Beautiful and oh so cute.

  • 14 years ago

    by Rick5191

    Good poem. Really good. Made me tear up at the end, no lie haha.

  • 14 years ago

    by Rick5191

    Good poem. Really good. Made me tear up at the end, no lie haha.

  • 14 years ago

    by ben thompson

    Very nice mom...thanks for writing this.. i miss being a kid. but we'll make it through. i love you very much.....