The Light

by Rick5191   Jan 6, 2011

I look down this endless dark hallway.

so many doors.

why is this dark hallway my life?

But I'm okay.

My friends are the light beneath the doors.

because of them I can see.
And continue down this dark hallway.

So turn on your light.
Show me the way.

And no matter who you are,
You will always mean the world to me.

For Because of you,
I can see.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Cindy

    Friends are treasures given to us by God. When things seem to be there worst they can lift you up and out of the darkness.
    Nice job!
    Take care

  • 14 years ago

    by Loveless Dreamer

    You have such appreciation for your friends.
    thats really sweet.
    they help you along the way.
    beautifully written.

    -Scarlett Ann

  • 14 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    I think we all have times in our lives when things seem so dark and we're so unsure, but luckily we have angels by our sides better known as friends.

    Great job on the metaphors; superb work.

  • 14 years ago

    by Tyler

    Makin me wanna cry nigga :(

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