Truth behind the Lies

by AngelOfDeath   Jan 12, 2011

See that funeral?
Yeah, the one with a hundred crying people?
That is all for one girl.
She was fine a few days ago, or that's what everyone thought....
She was hurting on the inside.
But no one saw it.
She was a good enough actress to hide the pain.
And the scars on her arms.
If her friends had only realized what was happening when she was writing in a notebook, alone in her room.
She had been writing the note that she was going to leave everyone.
Her poor mother had found her,
Hanging in the corner of her room.
With the note in her hand.
If her friends had noticed the pains she had to face alone, this could have been prevented.
There should not have been a funeral today.
But no one cared enough to look into her eyes and see the truth that hid behind the words she said so often.... Out of habit, "I'm okay, it's fine, don't worry"


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