My Hardest Goodbye

by xoxShorteexox   Jan 14, 2011

That day we said goodbye; you couldn't see it, but I cried.
I tried my best to hide the tears,
But they just kept flowing, my dear.

I put on my mask like this was meant to be easy,
I faked a pretty smile as we whisper forbidden lines.
You said you'd always love me.

We both know that isn't true,
We may be each other's hardest goodbyes,
But this love was so tainted from deceit; we can't possibly pretend it's still real.

We both say our farewell, so sweet, but so brutal.
My tears sing the never dying lullaby for the one that got away,
For the one that will forever be my hardest goodbye.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    I really relate to this poem because there is a person I've been bidding farwell with for over a month by now and yet we still don't seem to manage it.

    I think that as hard as saying goodbye is realizing that there is no other possibility than to do it. You pictured that very well in your poem.

  • 14 years ago

    by Matthew Schut

    Wow, very nice piece! I'm actually getting ready to say my "goodbye" to my ex. We broke up and now I am moving out of state so we are planning on having a last goodbye so this poem really hit me! Keep it up!

  • 14 years ago

    by Rick5191

    This is really well written. very good flow to it. I hope I never get to this point. I'm sorry you had to go through something like this.