It's A Sense of Spirit

by Brijaal Dana   Jan 15, 2011

The feeling one gets when that special someone is truly connected by one's side, even if they're not present at the moment, but in the heart, mind and soul is the residence of this existence.

It's more than a feeling of contentment. Rather a wholesome kind of a feeling that allows one to feel a completion of an otherwise voided assembly of emotions and daily thoughts which may direct one's day in a sometimes eventful sort of way.

With this, comes the greatest feeling of power of abilities to conquer the sometimes unimaginable. The strength can be so powerful that the realization sets in that mountains can be moved, whatever one's mountain may be.

A mind set, as one may perceive, could very well be the best described recognition of the powers that must be acquired, in accordance with one's belief system that shall be the very tool that is harmoniously created by that one's internal residence.

The residence of one's inner most spirit, when is full, or complete allows one to have the 'don't have to go it alone' attitude, particularly when the support of that special one resides deep in this dwelling of connectivity.

Imagine the mind set that allows one to believe that 'all' is possible. Imagine feeling the power of being able to stop the tides from changing, or to part the clouds and allow the sun to shine in the darkest of days, or simply make that special one in your life happy.

Power can be an incredible thing. It is how one uses one's own power to constructively move forward with the tools one has, in order to maintain a certain balance one needs to know the direction chosen is the correct one. The ability for one to know that the tools will get the job done is one thing, but to know that the job can be better done with the residence of the true sense of spirit from one's soul mate is an incredible force.

More than a simple joining of the forces, but having a certain balance of physical and emotional, as well as mental needs, wants and desires suddenly have a certain awareness of their own, being fulfilled with honest to goodness satisfaction. For one to recognize when this season is present, which may come only once in a lifetime, can be a small miracle in itself. For those that do become aware of such a thing, may sometimes be the best thing one may have. For those that are unable to have the foresight can be a tragic upset in the momentum of harmony. After all, tomorrow is promised to no one, nor is a sense of spirit!

~Brijaal Dana


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