
by Taylor   Jan 16, 2011

I've always been the type to hold a grudge
I've never been able to let go so easily
Until not giving a damn almost became an impulse
I'm sick and I'm tired of all this pain thrown at me

So here I am, leaving you all behind
The ones who trashed me, hurt me, abused me and used me
To hell with you all, I'm walking on this ground with new shoes
New expression on a new day and I'm having no shame

I forgive but yet, I never seem to forget
The things that you pull while I sit back and observe
I know your motives and your thoughts, I'm not one to test
My skin's turned thick and I can't be affected now

Look me dead in the eye and tell me all your stories
Truth or a lie, I see no difference anymore
Speak to me words of honesty then snatch it all back
And once you're gone, another comes along

Don't cry out to me with your mistakes that you've made
I can only lend my hand out so many times
Time to avert my eyes and turn my back
Because I'm done, and now I begin to walk away


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  • 14 years ago

    by M Colella

    I really don't know what to say expect I think all your emotions came rushing out in a flood that flowed in a brilliant way.
    Your theme to me was great, we worry to much about what others think or say, Its time to trust ourselves, follow our own intuition of what is.
    Well done very well said.