Poisoning the well

by Michael D Nalley   Jan 17, 2011

Chemical balance is so irenic
There's no gain in poisoning the well
Lack of iron makes us anemic
Chaos paves a pathetic path to hell

We live in a world of hunger and thirst
Competition is another way of life
A pack of wolves will fight to be the first
Pawns have their swords a butcher has his knife

All through history we have sang that song
At enemies we have pointed fingers
None can be right if everyone is wrong
The passionate poison in us lingers

Love is the antidote where hate casts spells
We'll not get ahead by poisoning wells


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  • 14 years ago

    by Mo

    Hi Michael. I totally agree with Sibs - your poems are always so full of information and you're very clever with your words. I do find sometimes though that they're SO full with information and words that it can affect the flow of the poem... I notice too that most of your poems are the same style and I was just wondering (because I think you would be fantastic at it), if you've ever written free verse? I'd LOVE to read one of those from you. But then again, it's been ages since I've read poetry so maybe I've missed 100 of your free verse poems and I wouldn't even know it! :)

    You must have a massive head Michael, to be able to stuff that brain of yours into it!

  • 14 years ago

    by sibyllene

    Your brain is very interesting to me. I picture it as an endless library filing cabinet, with cards that you shuffle through and whip out upon any occasion. I saw you referencing "poisoning the well of truth" in another thread, and there here I come and see this poem title... ALSO containing a word of the day. Nice.

    I know this isn't really a comment on the poem.

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