Why are you so unhappy?

by Clarise   Jan 20, 2011

He gave me something i never had,
for years i was cold and numb,
then i met him and he changed it all,
its almost been a year,
and today he asks,
why are you still unhappy?
i wish i had a answer,
i wish i knew why i still have those days,
those weeks,
were i just stare at the walls and feel low,
feel like nothing is right,
like there is a haze over me,
i want to know what causes this,
i never want him to ask me,
why are you so unhappy?


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  • 14 years ago

    by Clarise

    Thanks :)

  • 14 years ago

    by anonymous

    I really liked your poem it was really interesting.. keep writing!

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