Fat, Ugly Lies. This Is The Story of Me.

by WrittenInTheStars   Jan 21, 2011

Fat; it's everywhere, like some kind
of disgusting infection. I am its only
prisoner, locked away in solitary
confinement for all of eternity. Try
as I might, there is no escape from
this living hell.

Ugly; it's what stares back at me
in the mirror. It's the inevitable
truth. It's like a game of hide and seek
but there's nothing to hide behind. Try
as I might, there is no escape from
this torture.

Lies; they are what keep this disease
alive. They have become the fabric of
my being. "I already ate." "No, I'm
not hungry." "I feel fine." I hate lying,
I hate hurting those I love. Try as I
might, there is no escape from this
harsh reality.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Hallucinostic

    I like the way you wrote this poem, each verse has its own thing but they all come together as a whole...
    Hey, being FAT doesnt mean that its UGLY, and what I said is not a LIE.