When its a jar

by Ronald Edwards   Jan 22, 2011

The roadside changes often,
each day as I proceed.

To follow new direction strains,
old ways I must concede.

Not knowing where I do belong,
indifference from my start.

Plans and destination wanes,
like paper tears apart.

Walking to a melody
that has a marching beat,

makes me hurry down the road
not wary of my feet.

I cant go thru closed passageways,
entrance becomes bizaare.

It easier sliding past a door
when it becomes a jar.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Ronald Edwards

    Hey Jad,

    I was attempting to say that life goes much easier when we don't force things, like a shut door. Instead there is an easier softer way when we wait for the door to open. thanks for reading ...

  • 14 years ago

    by Jad

    A interesting poem that many can relate to and also the message held through the entire poem making it am easier piece to understand. I liked the emotion you put into this piece. keeping it mello it seemed. You had some minor spelling errors and also some forced rhyming but other than that I thought you did a wonderful job with this piece. Overall I am pleased with what I got to read and I can't wait for the next time. Great job and keep writing.

  • 14 years ago

    by Ronald Edwards

    Hi Sylvia,

    Your right as far as the "bazzar, bizzare" my bad. My intention with this poem was a play on a very old joke. "When is a door not a door, when it's a jar" I must admit I did take poetic license with the sentence structure and punctuation with this.

    You can please some of the people some of the time .... :-)


  • 14 years ago

    by Sylvia

    I am confused by the last line of this, comparing moving on, the challenges you meet, how difficult that is to a jar. I don't get the connection. Also, in these two lines, do you mean bazaar as in booths were goods are sold or bizzare as in strange or odd.

    I cant go thru closed passageways,
    entrance becomes bazaar.

    The flow of the poem is not smooth and there are some punctuation issues. Sorry but this is not one of your better writes.

  • 14 years ago

    by Cindy

    Another interesting piece you have penned. It seem like we spend our days hurrying through our lives.
    Great job!
    Take care