Comments : My life, My dreams

  • 14 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    Hello Flynel,

    I like your poem, and hope you don't mind some constructive criticism.

    First, spelling:
    untill = until
    hurted = hurt

    The first verse builds up our concern and interest, but you never give us any hint as to what the bad thing is. Even if you don't want to share it, you should give enough of a hint as to give your situation: victim, betrayal, abandonment, or whatever.

    Did it take 9 years for some healing process? Did some new unrelated opportunity come up? Did someone come back in the picture? Again, we are left with unsatisfied need to know.

    The impact these insights would have are what make a poem a story: generic poems have no concrete situations. Like dog stories: I had a dog, he was loyal and spirited, he died. See? Not as interesting.

    Overall, as a poem of rebirth and reawakening to your life, it is powerful. If you add some background, not much, it would be greatly improved.

    Larry Chamberlin

  • 14 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    Reading it again, I get the impression (mind reading) that you were in an accident 9 years prior, that, after years of rehab, an operation could possibly restore you, but that it comes with a risk, and you are torn between reopening your dreams or being 'safe.'
    That's called mind reading because my own imagination filled in the blanks without feed back.
    BTW: Did you mean "pain and suffering"?

  • 14 years ago

    by Flynel

    Yeah my knee I was to young to do the operation. And where I live they didnt knew what to do with this special thing .. cause Ive patella luxatie. And the risk is that when I walk on my knee now it can be that my knee will be broken. For six weeks I cant do anything .. Its pain and suffering..