Depths of Hell; The Path

by Maegan Bravo   Jan 25, 2011

Find me in the forest,
Deep within the trees.
Follow me to the hills,
I'll show you
What "Could Be".

Follow me in the river,
Up the windy stream.
Follow me to the waterfall,
And listen to my screams.
Let's go on an adventure,
Never look back.
Nothing could be better,
Never under attack.

Follow my soul,
Deep into the depths,
Of what we call Earth.

Find with me a Hell,
And show Him
What you're worth.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Maegan Bravo

    I meant for that to be "Deep within the trees." I will make the correction quickly.

    Follow me in the river is exactly as it should be. Not to the river, follow me IN. As in, we're walking in the river; "Up the windy stream."

    "Follow me in the river,
    Up the windy stream."

    Thank you for your criticism. :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Jack Nightengale

    Truly Captivating. the picture that this poem shows is like that of a movie preview. If it would be a movie after reading this poem I would watch it twice. Truly Amazing!