WHat dO yu dO??

by iiM JUST MEE   Jan 28, 2011

What dO yu dO when yOu feeL iit DeeP iN yOuR heaRt
tHatt tHE One peRsOn yOu Cant Live WithOut wiLL NeveR bE yOurs tO Begin With!.

what dO yOu dO when aLL yOu think abOut is
the One persOn whO Made yOu feeL whOLe.?

what dO yu dO when yu FeeL yOu wOuLd dO ANyThinG tO have the hOnOr tO be caLL;d His GirL!.?

what dO yu dO when yOu teLL tHe One persOn yu lOve yu Cant Live WithOut Them?!.

teLL Me what dO yOu dO...

what dO yu dO when yOu feeL aLL hOpe is lOstt.
teLL Me what dO i dO when yOu knOw yOu have lOSt!..


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