You're Not Sorry

by Loveless Dreamer   Jan 31, 2011

You said you were sorryfor hurting me
you said you're sorry for making me cry
you say you're sorry for the pain i have
you say you're sorry for everything
you told me sorry for taking my innocence
you said sorry for leaving me
you think you're sorry for the sex
you say you're sorry for the lies
are you sorry for breaking my heart.?.
are you sorry for killing me.?.
are you sorry for leaving me.?.
are you sorry for making me cry.?.
are you sorry for the pain i go through.?.
are you sorry for telling me off.?.
are you sorry for tricking me.?.
are you sorry you loved me.?.
you're not sorry for leaving me
if you were, we'd be together right now.
you're not sorryfor making me cry,
if you were, you'd do anything to make me smile
you're not sorry for killing me,
if you were you wouldn't be out having fun
you're not sorry for hurting me,
if you were, you'd do anything to show you care

But you're not sorry for anything.....


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  • 13 years ago

    by TheGirlSittingAllByHerself

    Omg this is such a beautiful poem. It's crazy how much I can relate to this. This describes exactly how I'm feeling right now about my stupid ex. Anyways, great work :) 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by HisBlueEyedAngel

    This one is so sad...Makes me want to cry...I don't know what I could do if I ever had that happen to me. Like I don't know how I could live. Again your and amazing writer.

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