Comments : A Day In The Life of Me, Suffering From My OCD...

  • 14 years ago

    by No1ButMe

    I loved reading this. I also suffer from OCD, mine is 5's. Bugs the crap out of me that my name is 6 letters long, lol. Yeah I've been there. My bf makes fun of me, but I've been doing better with meds. Stay strong and if you need to talk I'm here. I really do applaud you that you exposed yourself like that. 5/5


  • 13 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Hmmm. .quite an intresting read. I do have sufficient knowledge on a lot of disorders. But it is quite intriguing to read an individuals personal day.

    If an object touches the left side of your body, you make sure it touches the right as well, or it makes you uncomfortable. If you've turned once clockwise, you must turn anticlockwise once, to balance the act. It is understandable to want, to follow a schedule and prefer the same spot everyday. Although, yes retyping a particular part of the para must be painful, but satisfaction is achieved only when things are done in a specific manner.

    Plus the schedule of waking up in the middle of the night, taking a shower precisely and more. Must be hectic, and while others might find it to be a pain, you actually find serenity in following your ways.

    You may even have your own specific pillow and might not like for anyone to touch certain stuff. You do not like mess, even though an organized mess is okay from time to time.

    While many find it to be a pain, I find it to be beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow!! As someone who suffers from this I am in awe that you were brave enough to write this and share this. What a great idea. i loved the way you started this with the rinsing of your hair then ending it the same way and you know as a reader that the next day will be pretty much the same and all the routines will be the same.

    I get this so much. It is so hard to explain to someone why somehting has to be a certain way.. In your own head it has drastic consequences if you don't do it right, while in the heads of others it makes absolutely no difference whether it is done right or wrong or just not done at all. It can be so fristrating can't it?

    Another thing about O.C.D is that everyone has their own personal routines and things that matter to them, a lot of people assume everyone gets the same symptoms and does the same routines. I remember one time when someone found out I suffered with this they were adamant that I then couldn't walk on the cracks on the pavement. When I tried to ecplain this never bothered me at all, they went on to say I didn't suffer from O.C.D then!

    I loved this. thank you so much for sharing this. You have inspired me to write a poem about mine now!

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    I can't believe they had the nerve to tell you that you didn't have it because of the crack thing, that is so ridiculous and obviously this person does not understand OCD at all.