Sad but true

by kelleyana   Feb 3, 2011

Friends, you can find them wherever you go.
Some, not necessarily there must be an occasion for them say hello, and a few without looking at the hour, will call you in the middle of the night, to tell you their feelings or simple asking if everything's alright.

Unexpectedly, some came in our lives, and stay and that very moment their memories never fade away. Together they share our deepest secret, desire, cries and joy, and then there are those kinds of friends that hide their deepest aim. They greet you with a happy smile. Share secrets that only last for a while. Eat and drink with you and pretend to share your sorrow, even giving false hopes that will be a better tomorrow, but the minute you turn your back they relate and revile about your life. Why wasting time asking why? No time to bow down and cry. Even if tears should fall called it just a lesson.

Never forget to remember that a future lies before you, like a path of pure white snow, but becareful how you tread it for every step will show, and when you thread that path, all your friends will know and those who have no love for you, their hatred will ever grow.

This is what I know by observing the warm smiling faces of my friendship tree, as the leaves sway with the breeze revealing a single branch, hanging with a stem so thin, that where my best friends chain begin.

So many visible branches in the same direction all represent my trust. The further my eyes climbed, the more I found out it was not worth it, so I scampered down convince it's just a waste of time. Some branches that I observe were envious to the core,

Yet the entire tree were filled of sap and hung with nuts galore. I used to brag about these friends before I made this climb, but truth compels those friendships doesn't worth a dime.

Erasing those branches that aren't straight, I now knew that their falseness will only last for a time...
Hit me with the truth, no longer will they tortured me with so many lies, now I've made up my mind to get rid of all those false coin. As I notice them only a few stays real.
Sad but true, the term friends are so loosely use.


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    True.. Friends can become our worst enemies at times and vice versa. You portrayed the friendships well

  • 13 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    So True, and Very Nicely Penned!!!

  • 13 years ago

    by Lameez Petersen

    Hi Kelleyana

    First, let me say that its been a long time since i've been online and on my 1st day back i read this poem. Beatiful peace of writting, filled with truth.

    well done, well written... keep it up!

  • 13 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Friendship a thing of value a source of Comfort and Happiness, but sometimes Negitivity and Pain. Wonderful Write Kel!!!

  • 14 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Hello Kelleyana,

    What a lovely story about friendship, your kind soul shines right through it.

    A true friend is indeed hard to find, those who are overly kind often are most false of all. Just use your intuition, it is most often the best way to see though appearances.

    Well done,

    Je t'embrasse

    5/5 Ingrid