He's Gone

by Lioness   Feb 5, 2011

My senses awaken at the sight of this place
I've been here before but for a different face

The doors open up and it triggers a thought
So many people have died here no matter how hard they fought

The picture was clear he was lying on the bed
With needles in his arms and a cool towel on his forehead

His face was so pale, his skin was so white
His daughters were holding his hands so tight

He was unconscious but we hope he could hear
So we whispered words of love close to his ear

His wife by his side trying to keep him alive
Hoping against all odds that he will survive

You need to hold on and fight for your life
In two weeks time, your daughter will be a wife

You couldn't wait to walk her down the aisle
Please don't go yet not for a while

Your other daughter is having a child again
Without you here, it won't be the same

His mother starts shedding tears of anger
Screaming "Why didn't anyone tell me he had cancer"

Too old and frail they thought she shouldn't know
It was in her best interest but it's hard to let go

His brothers and sisters and family are there
Watching him die, our hearts fill with despair

The nurse comes in to check on his state
We pray to God above though we know that it is fate

I walk out of the room as I needed some time
For only a moment I left them behind

I could see other people in their beds as they lie
All alone in their rooms, just waiting to die

It broke my heart seeing them there
No one should feel this way, it's just not fair

In the waiting room we sat with a prayer in our hearts
All saying the rosary hoping that he would not part

I had to go back; he took a turn for the worst
He died while we were with him, shedding one tear first

We all broke down irrigating tears of pain
Thinking please God don't let us go through this again

~ Liz~

This poem is dedicated to my uncle Sam. Who died from a blood infection because his immune system was weak from the cancer and Chemo. He will be loved forever x


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Brittany Klein

    Wow, this poem made me tear up. It is a very deep hearted poem, and i am sorrie you had to go through that,
    it is not easy to do, i lost 2 of the closest family members already, and it is hard...

    This is a very touching and emotional poem that i will give a 10/10 for. loved it!

    <3 Always,

  • 14 years ago

    by RustySoul

    Oh how sad... this one really moved me. What happened was very sad and you expressed your emotions beautifully through this poem. Well done.

  • 14 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    A heart wrenching poem so well written
    I am deeply moved

  • 14 years ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    Deeply emotional and it made my heart ache


  • 14 years ago

    by The Queen

    Sorry for your loss.

    I think this piece summed up every feelings when someone losses loved ones. It takes time to get over the death of someone you love, but we can no longer contain our
    strong emotions instead get it out of our system quickly in order to move on further.

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