Forever Free

by Cindy   Feb 7, 2011

Spirit full of evil, you have no soul
Poison rumors drip from serpents tongue
Heart of stone not knowing how to love
You wrap around those unable to run

Spawned from heat of devil's lustful loins
Drawing in prey with honey laced words
Making them believe they are your world
Unsuspecting like Miss Muffet eating curds

Walking the streets with scented perfume
Pretending to be something you'll never be
Men fall smitten by the heels of your shoes
Blinded by satan's spell, they never will see

By the time monster's face is revealed
Life's hatred has consumed you day and night
Victims lay crumpled, broken, and torn
Still pray you'll be touched by healing light

How many lives have been destroyed
What a happy day it was for me
When you slipped showing your horns
Darkness lifted, now I'm forever free

Written for a club title contest

Written by: Cynthia Graver
Jan 20, 2011


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  • 9 years ago

    by Sarah Day

    I really enjoy reading all of your poems, but this is one if my favorites.

  • 12 years ago

    by DarkNDangerous

    Hi Cindy. Yet again what a great poem, you never seem to disappoint. This relates to me a lot with a certain someone. It's been awhile since i have been on this site again. It's nice to see i am not the only one still writing after all these years!

  • 14 years ago

    by Christina McDowell

    It's been a long time Cindy! Your writing just keeps getting better and better! Great job! It was strong and beautiful :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    These kind of people do live with us today, everyone I'm sure has at least one person who they can say goes around lying, just in order to hurt them in the end. It's really sad that they don't have anything better to do. I loved the ending, as it turns the situation around, their true colors show, making you realize who they truly are and that they are only trying to trick you; now you are free of their control, a really great feeling to have as you feel you've won. Awesome Cindy!

  • 14 years ago

    by Boy

    Brillient!! my fav stanza

    How many lives have been destroyed
    What a happy day it was for me
    When you slipped showing your horns
    Darkness lifted, now I'm forever free
    we written:)