They all tried to warn me when I flew toward the south
Not to get my tweet bird ass kicked by a vicious mouth.
Some black birds and crows can be greedy old farts
So I took a course to learn the martial arts.
I just want my share if it is just a crumb
If I get attacked by a flock of scum.
They will get a surprise, from me, I have no doubt
They'd better gather their flock, and get the flock out.
Other wise I am such a peace loving little birdie
But four against one strikes me as being dirty.
Whether you bite the dust or eat humble pie
If you mess around with me, you may die.
"I tawt I taw a puddy tat!" that brat
If he sees me coming he'd better scat
I float like a humming bird, and sting like a bee
Not a plane or superman It's just little ole me
So if you see me coming you'd better step aside
A lot of birds didn't and a lot of birds died
My left claw is iron and the right one is steal
If the left one don't get you then the right one will