
by Noel   Feb 8, 2011

I wish you could see
How much this is truly killing me

I want you to know
All the pain I do not show

I kills me to see the pain in your eyes
Because of all of my unspoken lies

If only I could every bit of it back
My soul would no longer feel black

It's so hard to not be completely down
I wish I could I get rid of this frown

I don't know how to put in the past anymore
Cause deep down I feel completely tore

I can't stand what I've done to you
You don't deserve what I put you through

I will regret this forever
I will forget your pain never

I'm broken inside
This I can no longer hide

I don't know how to feel
I don't know how to heal

This pain is neverending
Mynever endingot mending

You think you are the only that broken
Only because my pain has been left unspoken

If you could have see how you looked at me that night
You would understand things in a different light

Believe me when I say I will never again hurt you
I hope this works out, I hope we can see it through

I meant every word when I said my vows
Please believe me now


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  • 14 years ago

    by Shawn Williams

    This is a poem with heart and emotion. I really like the content and some of the word useage. In parts it feels like you were just trying to complete it. The content becomes predictable. With that said, I think you really have something here especially if you look at it like a rough draft. I would rework this and it could be something special. But, for now it's a 4/5. Strong work with room for improvement.