
by Lu   Feb 9, 2011


I found you
beneath a half eaten moon
gazing on the earth
as though you too
had a wish.

And as you fell
branch by branch
you tried to cling,
and I -
tried to catch you.

You slipped through my palm,
and with each breath
I inhaled hope
and with each exhale
I released sadness.

A blurry web of black and silver
choked my tongue, and you -
fell silent too.

I only wish,
I could have caught you in time.

Before we were both tossed ...
to yesterday.

*** For anyone wondering what the above poem is about ... (look up) to the black and silver ***


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  • 14 years ago

    by Cindy

    Congrats on your win Luanne.....Love you Cindy

  • 14 years ago

    by Faded Diamond

    I love this!!! it makes me think of a Japanese anime episode i have seen before.. but in no way of what i saw, in that anime could make such a description that you did..

    the only thing i dont get is when you described some1 (beneath a Half eaten moon..) i dont really get how that person u found there, could be looking at the earth.. if you are beneath the moon arnt u on earth? were would u be posted? in the air??
    but maybe you wanted it to mean something.. i quite dont get it but its a very deep description which made me ask.. C:

    i also coulda sworn i have herd that quote..
    and with each breath
    I inhaled hope
    and with each exhale
    I released sadness."- but you just switched the words were it meant so much.. not sure.. but love it.. i also wonder how the moon could skip to a branch? i could see if you were on a tree gazing at the 1/2 eaten moon.. idk im only 15 and a half lolz but im curious i love mysteries and i love Poetry.. thats why im here.. to learn..
    im a beginner thats why im asking not critique-ing

  • 14 years ago

    by AngelDust

    Wow, Lu this is incredible. Well deserved win!! This is sad but it made a great write. I love the word usuage and lay out. I like the idea and what it was about. It's very emotional and from the heart. You have an amazing mind. Like your style = )


  • 14 years ago

    by Melpomene


    This is another favorite by you, I read your work, every poem and sometimes I don't get the chance to comment but I never find a poem I dislike and that's what makes you one of the best on this site.

    Your description of the sky is elegant in this poem, the way you speak of the moon is clever, and the way you describe the stars is lovely, I loved the feel of nature in this poem, it breathed within your word choice.

    "A blurry web of black and silver
    choked my tongue, and you -
    fell silent too."

    This was my favorite part of the poem, simply because you described the sky much better then I could, when looked at through tears. I understood this statement perfectly because as you know I feel I have a strong connection with the sky, hence why I always write about it, and I personally now will always see it the way you have described it here.

    This poem was emotive, it evoked emotion within me, and I found myself relating to it in many ways.

    An amazing piece.


  • 14 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Mmmhhh..this poem has got me thinking Luanne, I don't know what it's about, lol!

    I am going to reread it until I find out!

    I do like the wording, though:)

    Well done,


    5/5 Ingrid