These Three Words

by STBWXoXo69   Feb 11, 2011

Don't tell me you love me, i know it's a lie..just tell me the truth, because either way I'm going to cry. The sad part it, is that i tried so hard, but still i doesn't matter anyways, you never even cared.

You ask me what's wrong..and i tell you nothing..but then i turn away, begin to walk, and i whisper to myself...everything.

...Love..i guess it's just another type of suicide, and you will never know how many tears I've cried. These tears I've cried over you didn't bring as much hurt as when you told me you didn't care anymore..

Now i have become so lonely, there is no one out there to hold me at night, i miss the warmness of you're arms around me..i guess it was never meant to be.

My advise to you is, be careful who you fall in love with because you never know if they truly love you back..until they leave you there..all alone and broken upon the floor where you use to walk together, hand in happy..

But of coarse, however the night shall seem, the dawn will break, and these three words..I love you ...were always fake..


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  • 14 years ago

    by Tammi

    Great poem i can feel the lost and love and i know how this feels . love it 5/5


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