Just scared .

by Andrea   Feb 11, 2011

You tried so hard to get me .
& then that you had me , i fell so hard .
then you just left like i was just trash .

Sorry i couldn't give you wanted but your gonna look back & regret it .
& when you come back around , what if i don't take you back ?

didn't you see how happy i was with you .
did you see my smile ? or my laughter with you .
i held you & you held me .
you loved when i held you , does she ?

are you truly happy ?

its funny i cant ask you , cause im to scared .
im to scared to do a lot of things now .
& its all because of you .

im so tired of missing you .
i try to get you out of my head but i cant i see you & fall all over .
if your with her i wanna fall like im dying .
you kissed her in front of me & yeah i cried , i ran straight to the bathroom .
makeup ruined all because of you .

i know im not perfect , but you took a lot to get me but it didn't take you a lot of time to leave me .

i always act happy , but its different when i go home .


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  • 14 years ago

    by Cassie Cain

    I like this poem it made me cry.. Ive been there.. its hard to be left.. it feels like.. u've been abandon or.. just somethings been ripped out of u but u dont know what.. and theres just that thought of.. why?

  • 14 years ago

    by Andrea

    It sucks !

  • 14 years ago

    by X Michy

    Omygod, Its like we feel the same,
    My ex left me too, and i feel the way you do..