Why ?

by Archangel   Feb 17, 2011

I awake in the morning and my first thoughts are why,
Why did I have to wake up
why am I still alive
Why Lord why?

Why are you putting me through this day?
Are you not a God of mercy?
why do you let me go through this hell?
Why Lord why?

A mind that no longer comprehends
happiness, peace or joy.
I go blindly through the day!
Why Lord why?

What is the reason for my pain?
Why are the voices sometimes so loud?
Why carry on end it all?
Why Lord why?

Why to scared, you'll feel no pain?
Why wait you know how?
Why go through another day of hell, do it now?
Why Lord why?

In the end the only question that is
Why Lord why?
Why me, what have I done?
Why Lord why?


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  • 13 years ago

    by christopher

    I like the desperation in this poem it really comes across blatantly and desperate, i hope what ever you are going through that you will soon find peace and hope. well written poem keep writing

  • 14 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Hi Archangel, i see you have posed a lot of questions in your poem. Many of us ask why throughout our lives but something that i came to realise is that in the greater scheme of things we as individual human beings are just not important enough for God to say, i think i'll make so and so's life a misery today. Our problems are often of our own doing. Well written and thought provoking. Well done. Grant

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