Just hope.

by Michelle   Feb 18, 2011

Let me just hope that your wish comes true
that shell come back running with open arms like she never left you
when your so happy you got what you wanted back all along
and you pray to god that things don't go wrong
let me just hope that you don't get hurt once again
it wouldn't be right of her to leave your heart in a worser condition
cause you been waiting for this moment like you've been looking at the sky
and you never lost hope that a shooting star would pass by
let me just hope that everything goes fine
that when you meet its like the very first time
the first time you knew you were in love and you couldn't let go
the first time you realize what you had and you wanted the days to go by slow
cause spending time with her always made your day
and when you looked at her you thought of how perfect she was in every way
so let me just hope that things don't go bad
cause i wouldn't wanna see my best friend so sad
not only for that fact that you've been waiting so long
for the fact my unspoken thoughts and feelings are so wrong
- like how were shoved in a category of things that cant happen
like what we feel is our bad god damn habit
cause for some reason its wrong to wanna date your exes best friend
or the other way around
cause it seems to be in the book of codes thats hidden undergrounds
theres so much i would love to say but i rather lock my feelings all away
i made a promise never to settle ill try and keep it
i hate the heart break ; lying and cheating -
i guess love will be right in someone else's life <3


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  • 14 years ago

    by huddy

    This piece of writing is written with emotions & feelings to it. Cuz it's personal, true and not paperthin .it isn't the best but atleast I get the feel behind it. Well done

  • 14 years ago

    by huddy

    This piece of writing is written with emotions & feelings to it. Cuz it's personal, true and not paperthin .it isn't the best but atleast I get the feel behind it. Well done