The Person I'd Stay Away From.

by Caitlyn   Feb 21, 2011

When I press down into my skin,
An electric shock runs up my arm.
Fills my body,
With a surreal sensation.
Never felt anything like it before,
It's addicting.
I've never felt so satisfied in my life,
Am I insane?
I can't help but smile,
Slip a tiny smirk.
I'm becoming the person,
I promised I'd stay away from.
And for some reason,
I don't care.
If anything,
I'm excited.
Excited to see where life will take me,
Or where life wont.
Where I will take myself,
Through this addiction.
Through this pain,
And insanity.
Trapped in my mind,
My body.
There is no escape for me anymore,
No- not for me.
I just can't wait for the day,
Where I completely become,
The person I promised I'd stay away from.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Caitlyn

    Thanks so much! :)

  • 14 years ago

    by No1ButMe

    I really liked this poem! I can totally relate. I think in some way we all become that person.
    'I just can't wait for the day,
    Where I completely become,
    The person I promised I'd stay away from.'
    I really liked this part. It's so deep and raw. It's like you're ready for whatever life throws at you. The world needs more people like that. Amazing piece. I hope to read more by you. 5/5
