What it means

by Poet on the Piano   Feb 22, 2011

Love doesn't need an explanation
for those who fall cynically.
It takes a hold of family
promising to never let go.


I will cherish your daughter
as day cradles night's progeny,
even if she remains unseen
and her intentions become lost,
I will retrieve all that she is.


Love finds no reason,
it does not destroy itself in pain
for it comes to understand
hearts mourn for lover's life.


I will be true my daddy,
don't think you'll be left
because you brought us here
and taught me how to first love.


Love marries the world,
it never tells hidden lies.
Love is you and I.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Brilliant. Hmm you've left me speechless. Some of the phrases used here seemed like famous quotes, but ones I've never heard of. The last "stanza" in particular, very powerful. I just loved the idea of love marrying the world. So original!