To depths unreached

by Poet on the Piano   Feb 22, 2011

Chasing evening star,
you cup the fire of February,
watching sensuality
rise to such heaven.
With eloquent eye
and acapella sight,
I glance freely
at my guardian
from a rose's lip.
Breathe me dusk
to place your heart
and let it glitter;
let it pen shadows
unknown without embrace.
Won't you share
your hands of sly beauty?


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  • 14 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    You cup the fire of February,
    ^Oh I loved this! At first I was like why is she associating fire with February haha, then I read on and realize it represents sensuality... honestly you have a nice thought here, I like the metaphor, it's great.

    Great ending,. Very thought provoking.

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Oh usual amazing poetry..I love your wording...I love your feelings and your style.

    Chasing evening star,
    you cup the fire of February

    ^^this is a very catchy opening..
    an opening that's for me and my taste..
    sounds pretty strong

    watching sensuality
    rise to such heaven.

    this is absolutely creative, and just
    magical..i LOVE it..

    With eloquent eye
    and senseless sight
    (senseless doesnt realllyy fit here
    for me..)

    I glance freely,
    at my guardian
    from a rose's lip.

    the comma should be after need
    for it after freely. And omg..what a mind do u hold over your shoulders? you have a dangerous imagination aware .AMAZING

    Breathe me dusk
    (something is not here ??
    or am I hallucinating lol..umm are you
    giving a command or wat..i think you need to
    review this :)..if no..then sorry)

    Closing lines:
    were just as amazing as ever in the previous are really talented..
    I voted the other 2 new poems after reading them..and will comment when i wake up..
    keep the good work!!

    keep writing; a great contribution to p an q; you are.