Majestic Melodies

by Chelsey   Feb 27, 2011

Her pain remains unspecified
as she lay upon his soft plush bed
Three strands of brunette hair
lay dormant on her pale cheek
-His hands caress her, tucking them away

Once breathing heavily in agony,
her inhales become slower.
Instantly easing her discomfort
she focuses on his tone
-His songs as her vicodin

Her body once feeling unbearable
is now controlled by his tune
She turns in gratitude, brushes his face
and interrupts him with a kiss
-His lips, her sleeping pill

How majestic his whisper
Singing melodies of romance
Magically comforting her
as she groans in malaise
-His voice the soothing factor

* This poem can be taken a lot of ways. It can describe a woman in physical pain (labor, menstrual problems, etc) or emotional pain (losing someone dear to her) and she has the comfort of her boyfriends/husband's sweet words/songs to make her feel better...This was inspired by my dear friend Darien as I was in physical pain he offered to sing to me :) Thanks!*


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  • 13 years ago

    by Aure

    Very well written, at first I thought the girl's pain was caused by the boy. Your words became pictures in my mind. I love how you can provide just enough detail to make your poem vivid, but not too much...

    I truly love it 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Blissful

    Chels, I love the alliteration in the title! It makes for a great topping on your poem. :)

    "lay dormant on her pale cheek"
    ^Great use of words here to create an image, it was really effective.

    "His songs as her vicodin"
    ^Must be some strong songs! haha

    This was such a cute poem Chels! I couldn't help but smile throughout it. All girls wish for that one guy that makes every pain disappear with just their touch or their voice. You described this nicely and I really enjoyed reading it.

    Well done!


  • 13 years ago

    by Katy
