Comments : Prayer

  • 14 years ago

    by Boy

    A very good and a nice way to prayer; you have written here.

    Short but nice...

    i also pray for peace in the world


  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    I love the way you opened this tiny piece,
    it was seriously very descriptive and I was able to visualize it through my head.

    It was actually a very tender opening, and it spoke of trying to give the most precious things..infront of your requests (well that's only how I read things lol..don't worry If am wrong :P)

    -however when I 1st started reading, I didn't expect it to end like that, not to to have this concept, which was amazing, because it left a seriously great impression ...

    I do love this. due to it's credibility and honesty, and emotions.. Although I believe you have gave us better before..yet this was the one with the deepest feelings..

    Well Done: 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by Kiko

    This poem is short on words, but heavy in meaning and symbolism.

    I truly enjoyed it and hope your prayers will be answered.

  • 14 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    A short but thought provoking piece. Nor what volumes this speaks. I too hope your prayers will be answered and that you and your family will remain safe.

  • 14 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    A touching and nearly painful piece to read.. whom are you speaking, my Dear..?....
    Please, do be oh so careful..

  • 13 years ago

    by Jess

    I love all of your poetry.
    the ones i read anyways.
    this poem in by far my favorite though.
    I dont know why, it just is.
    dont stop writing, you have some real potential.

    And it would be greatly appriciated if you could comment and rate one of my poems.
    thanks love!


  • 13 years ago

    by Acoustic Odyssey

    I have to say that I adore your metaphors you've used, they create a powerful yet humbling atmosphere. I have but on more word for this, beautiful.
    Have a nice day :)