The way i looked at you..

by KaYkAy   Mar 6, 2011

If you only knew
What was hidden in my soul
If you only knew
My heart is no longer whole

If you only knew
The pain I feel without you
If you only knew
What I go through

Would any of this change
How you feel about me
Would it open your beautiful eyes
So you could finally see

Or would you walk away
With that same grin on your face
As you walk into anothers arms
And allow their embrace

I really should not care
What you think anymore
I can not help but think
Nothing is how you swore

I wonder if this pain will ever end
Will I ever truly get over this
But I know deep in my soul
Ill forever want your kiss

Words cant describe what you mean to me
A picture paints a thousand words, its true
Just remember the way
I looked at you


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  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    This piece of poetry reminded me of the beginnings of my poetry when I was a younger girl. It's very basic and the feelings are truly raw. There is no flub or any fluffy words that make you feel better and happy and sappy. It's just straight to the point. Very good piece of writing :) You have potential, just need to hone your skills. 4/5

  • 13 years ago

    by StonedGooberz

    Your poem is good i like the way you ended it not only tieing up th peice but being witty aswell

  • 13 years ago

    by Malboros pipe

    I like the way you started the first two verses with
    If you only knew.

    This poem is almost like sonnet, with the words.

    But I know deep in my soul
    Ill forever want your kiss.

    I love this line, its sounds like really desperation. In some cases desperation is bad, but not in this case. It is sweet. While reading this you feel for the person, and want them too get with the lover

  • 14 years ago

    by Soft Parade

    Heart break through words that ring through very creatively here with this poem. hope writing has eased the pain and released the hurt somewhat.