You felt like heaven to me

by paige   Mar 6, 2011

Im stareing into space
Please dont wake from this daze

Because serenity feels nice
relatity feels cold as ice

Wish I knew how to un love you
Wish I knew how to forget about you

Wish I could put the smiles back on your face
I should of photograpthed them just incase

I cant un break your heart
You cant un hang yourself

You felt like heaven to me
You made me happy in the extreme degree

It was everything you said and did
You made me feel like a happy little kid

When your world started to fall apart
I couldnt stop them from breaking your heart


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  • 13 years ago

    by AngelDust

    Wow, this is an amazing write. So soulful and painful. Something deep. I liked your used of words. Your flow and rhythm were spot on. I hope you can find solace with time. An excellent piece.


  • 13 years ago

    by ibelievedhim

    Paige, this poem is hauntingly beautiful! It reminds me of my first boyfriend. Love the rhyme scheme and the imagery you create in this piece. The reader can paint a picture in their head. Great job! 5/5 katie

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