Pure Torture

by amber   Jun 20, 2004

It was a cold windy night
Everything was calm
No one knew what was soon to come
Of one girls life
It was about to become a nightmare
Before she could run and hide
Death will knock at her door
For her on her way home
An unexpected surprise
Hidden in the bushes was a man she didn't know
He knew everything about her though
He called her name
And she didn't know it was a man playing a sick game
She went over into the bushes without a fear
And when she got there he pulled her near
She started to scream but no one could hear
He through her into his car
And he drove far away from her town
She was never going to see anyone she once loved again
When they arrived at the man's place
He shoved her in a closet
After about an hour had past
He made her do what she was dreading
He tied her to the bed
Then stripped her of her clothes
The fear that was inside of her
Was making her cry and scream
He didn't care though
His hands moved and felt her body
His pleasures were gross
She kept sobbing and wishing
That this man was dead
That night he made her do some things
That this girl will never forget
After he was done with her
He through her in the closet
So he could play with her again
After about a week he killed her
After all the pain and torture
No one would ever see her again
Her life ended in the worst way
Now some other poor girl
Will get played with the same way
For this man is a killer
And he's always looking to kill


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