Keeper of Joys and Woes

by Meena Krish   Mar 10, 2011

Sweet and sentimental touching tenderly
pearls of wisdom creates a well of serenity
strife and sorrow encaged deep within,

Poetry is a home
for the heart to release all its dreams.

Inspiring words renders the soul speechless
warm and soothing a medicine for many
melodic notes captures a drifting mind to listen,

Poetry is expression
on pallid ground blue prints glisten.

The magnitude of a poem is immeasurable
it implodes creating ripples of hue
a world of words ceaselessly glows,

Poetry is ageless
a keeper of life's joyful moments and woes


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  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    How true! Poetry is:
    sentimental, touching, sometimes so sad
    serene, soulful, sublime
    striking, surreal, starry
    sunny, symbolic, spunky
    simple, serenading, or sly

    and of course all of the above, when written by someone so smart!.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This poem is so true. I liked how you described poetry in different ways because poetry means something different to everyone. Sometimes poetry is a way to heal, at least for me. Sometimes it's a way to express something beyond words. Sometimes it's just something we do to help the time pass. I love the way this was written. Your verses and word choice was very well done. I can tell that you took your time with this piece. It shows in every word. It's always nice to read something with such profound meanings. Great work dear :] glad I stopped by to read. -Nik

  • 13 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Just amazing, mindblowing is all i could say.

  • 14 years ago

    by Jad

    I really like this poem and it really gave me an idea of why we write poetry and also what poetry is to those who really love poetry! :] Your words are very clear and the message is really true and so many people could easily relate to it! :]

    All in all, you have really done a great job describing poetry and what it means. Your words speak the heart of poets who truly do write. Great job and keep writing.

  • 14 years ago

    by Sylvia

    You have given us a nice explanation of what poetry is and how it affects us as human beings. Nice.