Trials of Light

by Aureus Argentum   Mar 14, 2011

Sometimes I sleep at night
empty of myself, inebriated
by dreams that deceive me.
Bathing beauty that speaks
only of my weakness,
besetting sin only I can find
in the paradox of self-contradiction.

I pave the way inside myself
for all that's good of me,
of all I save from discernment.
My daylight vision, I traveled not
to touch solely for the very nearness
of comprehending.
I have journeyed beyond the
peripheral to see your vision,
yet my thoughts will conceal
quite delightfully, fleetingly,
of your unbreakable beauty,
for I have one weakness.

I sing of light that speaks to me
of all my sin, calmly unfolding,
becoming of all my graces,
for pain is only a memory,
and I have gathered arm-fulls
of tenacity only to fully grip
heart of all myself, of all that
you have made me.

And tonight my heart sings
of deathless joy, for beyond
death, my love will flutter
evermore. Ever and anon
for all my good precedes,
blazing the trail with love,
of all that you have given me.

(C) Copyright Brianna Rose Burton 2011
February 4


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  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    TRIals of light? trials of right?
    really really really?
    GOSH,.,.this was sooooooooooooooooo

    I can't believe the depth that you can achieve, the poems I've seen so far, just GOSH like NANA SHAME ON YOU, and all the comments you ever made.
    Can't believe I haven't read THIS!.

    Friends would be amazing, if they could deserved such a piece lol, perfect from all sides ;), you have a way with a sleepy gal now u know..yet i was sinking in the sensitivity and depth of these poems..

    I will make sure to read all!

    FIVEE! and the nightingale gta be my nomination this tuesday.

  • 13 years ago

    by Kiko

    This is, of course, a beautiful piece of poetry, written in exquisite language and brimming with emotion. The language you have used here is not Elizabethan (Shakespearean) but more like late 19th century or early 20th century American English.

    My only issue is that it feels like you are writing a scene in a play, and acting it out, rather than expressing your true feelings. In other words, my head likes it, but I don't feel an emotional connection to the words you have penned, even though the words are obviously charged with emotion.

  • 14 years ago

    by The Queen

    Love it! I think it's longer than what you've sent me before!

    Beautiful piece with perfect flow, theme and meter!

  • 14 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Sometimes good friends can leave you feeling this way and your life is never the same again.

    Well done Brianna, I hope we will always be friends also!


    5/5 Ingrid