Love Is

by Rachel RTVW   Mar 16, 2011

Not the words that fall from your lips
with such ease, they lose meaning

It's how when you stare into my eyes
with such grace, you see my soul

Not the ritual kiss goodbye or goodnight
with such habit, it's robotic

It's the presence of butterflies deep down
with such a feel, of new beginnings

Love is....


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  • 8 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Love is an infilling to solve. Sacrifice that ushers relief. Kindness demonstrated is Love. Love is the commonwealth of all.

  • 13 years ago

    by Colm

    I was wary of a poem that was entitled 'love is.' But the poem, like the title, is simple and doesnt try to be anything else. It is nice to read a simple well worded piece, that describes what love is at the most basic and important level, excitement, understanding, not 'robotic' but natural. Nice little read