An Apology

by Sarah   Mar 22, 2011

I made a mistake today,
For that I apologize.
I should have come and tried to salvage what was left,
But my pride stood in the way.
The little me inside wanted to be heard.
Wanted to hit back and strike!

I might have lost a dear friend today,
But the little me inside was hurt.
I'm getting tired of people turning their backs on me,
Deleting me from their lives,
And throwing everything like it meant nothing,
Enough is enough!

I didn't go today!
I should have,
But the little me inside stood in the way.
I might have said goodbye,
for that I apologize my friend..


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  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Lovely honest write apology is so powerful -it sends so much positive energy into the world . Well done

  • 13 years ago


    Beautiful meanings Sara, yes u r true, sometimes our pride prevent us from doing things even though they may be true, I hope u still have the chance and didn't lose ur friend