Kiss of Death

by Sourav   Mar 25, 2011

First they were useful
seemed like the needs
felt like best friends
smoke, drinks, those smells-
seemed so awesome;
like the uncontrollable sexual desire
in the dark wild night-
as if nothing in the world does matter
first these were life saving
then became life;
now they are stronger
than the self
more potent than my extreme power
a strong toxin;
poison already injected
life is faint
life is scared
every effort breaks
like pieces of glass;
a scream for help
seems like an invalid's frail body
life is confused and desperate
and there is a void of nothingness-
only those smells remain.
at first it was fun, an adventure
now it's a tragedy, a lost battle
a kiss of death.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    This reminds of ...growing up. Some realizations of life and it's tribulations. Again, such strong writing. Well put.

  • 14 years ago

    by shobhana kumar


    how true your message is! the kiss of death...well said. i do hope someone reads this and makes a difference to someone.

  • 14 years ago

    by shobhana kumar


    how true your message is! the kiss of death...well said. i do hope someone reads this and makes a difference to someone.

  • 14 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    THings we do while we were young seemed to
    be the best and it makes us think we are invincible but too much of anything is poison..a hard lesson learned later in life..take care.

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