How could i put my self in to some thing like this
what did i miss
i belong to another
but like a snake you came an wrapped me up
it was all for fun
it was nun
now there is a love that came from you
my poor heart broke in 2
it wants to be with you
but its not that simple
the love that its in
cant be broken or come to an end
i cant do that to him
i cant see that
i cant be that person who desire more love
when one love should be enough
i cant do half with you
an the other half with him
love don't work that way
someone has to pay
pay for what happen
pay whats beening
pay for what may happen
desire love is a lie
nothing but lies
if you already have love
then desire love shouldn't be there for someone else
thats not whats best
i need to brake free
i need to go
but running away is the problem
i shouldn't have been in this
but now that i am
how will it end?