I lay here gazing... at the stars up above...
Thinking and pondering... about my True love...
My vision of loveliness... her passion adore...
The beauty becomes her... the skies and the more...
When out of the blue... the dark of the night...
A shower of stars... the heavens they light...
My breath it does take.. my heart skips a beat...
The signs of the lovers... they know not defeat...
The stars in the heavens... in clusters they fall...
Oh beauty before me... my soul you enthrall...
With eyes of an angel... of passion and love...
your supple soft lips... of you i dream of...
My eyes open slowly... i glance to the night...
A vision so lovely... of you i do write...
Trudy... my angel... my passion... my dove...
I hold to you tightly... tis you i do love<3