Every minute of everyday

by Tammi   Apr 5, 2011

She waits
Every minute of everyday
But her love has slipped into the abyss of black peace.
Where there is one single light
A beam of warmth slowly embracing every part of her soul
Every minute of every day.

Patiently she waits to be soothed within gods hands
The waiting loves story is neither of shame nor pity
Disgrace or judgment
Simply as a passion sometimes lost between the lines
Between those of different people each as them selves
Giving spontaneity a new definition
Every minute of everyday

She waits no more
For her lover has reached her core warmth
Now one, not in between the lines
She is within herself
Every minute of every day

The loves passion burning in the night
Wanting to hold her and whisk her into loves self
Being as one
As her lover has always been

Let go her lover said
I am in your soul as me
Every minute of every day


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  • 13 years ago

    by Chevalier des Fleurs

    Absolutely mesmerizing!
    A tender and somber piece that is filled with beauty and love.
    I like the repetitiveness, it makes the poem even stronger in the way that the reader gets to know what you feel and think "every moment of every day."

  • 13 years ago

    by Cupids Got A Gun

    This is beautiful, and amazing and i love that you repeated every moment od each day throughout the wholw thing. very powerful poem.

  • 13 years ago

    by Sparkling snow flake

    I love how you repeated "every moment of each day" through out the poem it truly emphasizes its importance.
    I also loved how it flowed like a story with such deep meaning.