Somewhere a clock is ticking

by Chelsey   Apr 8, 2011

Somewhere a clock is ticking
Calendars have countdowns,
alarms are set for certain days,
and emotions rage from anxious hearts

There is a soul in a small town
whose views are altered
She lives her life like an hour glass
The sand seeps through one end,
she flips it back over

Her clothes are stained with smoke,
her liver is full of alcohol
The mouth contaminated with rotten words,
an abundance of vulgar thoughts in her head

She's subconsciously dissatisfied
with every area of her life
Her inner clock ticks
as she lives impure,
not focusing on her last days

Somewhere a clock is ticking,
but hers is blank
The numbers are gone,
the hand is not there
and she lives like she will never cease


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  • 13 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Like I said before on some of your poems a while back. The best thing a writer can do is relate there words to the people reading them. I think living a life without the worry of death is a great thing, not sure I'd live like her though haha Loved thei magery with the clanders and clocks and the hour glass was almost sitting in front of me. Well done as always 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by AngelDust

    As Yaki has said, I really like your new style. I could also picture this very vividly. It drew me as a reader in and enclosed me into a completely different world. I really like this piece and you penned it well. Wonderful word choice and you stuck to the subject well and kept an steady flow through out. You never cease to amaze me. Brilliant.


  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    Oh love, what a sad heartbreaking poem you have penned here.... There is nothing I don't like in this poem...-i enjoy the nostalgic tone,the 'she' as the protagonist in the starts like one topic..and it takes depth towards one persons inner clock.I got some really vivid images from this poem..- saw hourglasses like someone just staring at it,I saw pages of calenders on the streets...I saw a drunk woman sitting in a bar..what a realistic write.....and the thing about your much people can relate to it....I love this! Also think the 'abundance of vulgar words in her mouth' was such a well thought phrase..... Girl you impress me more and more with each write....I adore the new style!