To my father

by Mello193   Apr 9, 2011

To my father
Youve torn me up to shreds
You beat me so far down
No letting me take meds
Youve beaten me so bad
Its not funny anymore
With your fist of iron
Shaken me to my core

Hate me for being gay
Even though im not
Your just like adolf hitler
Make me your servant robot
You be my mom
You beat my sister
Making all the rules
I have to call you mister
Or sir or anything with respect
I dont want to be like you dad
Ill stick to being an insect

Not the high achool football hero
Just the quiet kid
Dont ask me to forgive you
For all the things you did
Becuase I won't
Ill never let it go
Im putting my head down sir
Your right, im lower than low
Im not a good son
Always second best
I remember it all now
Must have been represed

You ruined my entire life
How could you be so mean
Looking in a mirror
Yours is a dominant gene
Becoming more like you
As the days go by
You taught me to be honest
Seeing you always lie
I dont want to be like you
Having your evil way
Remember when I got nothing
On my fourteenth birthday
I was a mostake
Thats what you always said
Weve never been closer
Then when you wished me dead

Well I am dad
I want you to know that much
Swing bloody fists
Just like the brady bunch
Telling me your proud
One big loving family
Happy father and son
Yeah hows that for irony


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  • 13 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    It wasn't meant for laughter but i want to show that to my dad for he is horrible! ;)

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