Ever been betrayed... I Have

by deeplydesturbed   Apr 12, 2011

Friendship, how does it start?
with a joke?
a comment or
with the heart?

Our friendship started through your family
your sister introduced us
we were immediate friends
almost never apart

we went to class everyday
liked the same things
had the same friends
and went out for drinks

after all the things i did for you
the places i drove you to
and you do this to me
what did i do wrong

Why did you spread lies
talk to people about things said
in friendship confidentiality
why did you go and ruin my life

you must get out
your a weed
i wont be ashamed to warn people
of your dirty deed

I don't need you anymore
I'm turning my back
I cant look at your face
without wanting to bi**h slap

You made me feel pain
more than most people
you were my closest friend
then you evolved

into a monster
of the night
telling secrets
to everyone in sight

you made me want to die
a slow and painful death
to make you feel bad
for the lies you spread

but what good would i be dead
i need to warn others
your a betrayer of friends
you blow off secrets covers


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